Monday, October 10, 2005


I've realized one important thing....Choosing a graduate school should be done by choosing a lab which is studying a field you're interested in, unlike in undergrad where you choose the school mostly based on its prestige...some of the prestigious universities I'm applying to have few (or no!) labs I'm interested in T_T...spent 2 hours browsing their biology departments....taking a break to complain about it...haha....

I've gotten ONE response from a professor I've emailed....hopefully the others will reply soon else it'll be a wasted trip to the USA....and my personal statement is effectively in stasis right now.....

And I've started dabbling in investing....specifically mutual funds, don't dare to wade into stocks's interesting, now I find myself reading the money/finance section of the newspapers, and by tracking the prices of my investments I saw a small dip in the market last week....helps that my housemate is an investment banker, who comments on the economy every day...haha.....

Man it's 11.30pm....urgh got to go back to searching for labs.....the clock is ticking....


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