Sunday, August 21, 2005

People weekend

What a weekend!

Firstly on Friday I met Han Liang, a good friend I hadn't seen or talked to in 6 years...We parted after secondary school in ACS(I), when he left for the USA for high school, came back for national service, and left again for Yale. It was great to see him again, and even greater to find that even with the 6 year gap between us we could still talk and insult each other (more me insulting him) like we just parted yesterday. The theme of our conversation, apart from finding out what happened to each of us, was how with some friends, you can not see for years and still get on exactly as how you did in the past, with no awkwardness or wondering-what-to-say. These friends are rare treasures that you know you'll never be afraid to contact, who will never drift away despite great distances of space and time, and given my nomadic life I'll always be grateful for. You lousy Cambridge people better keep in contact hor.

Saturday was the Cumsa Fresher tea gathering! Spent most of my time talking to friends, less to the freshers...haha it's the juniors' (non-freshers) turns to answer the freshers' questions about rice cookers, flights etc. Rice cookers somehow always seem to pop up as a concern, every year. Also had dinner with Tsing Ling who came down to Singapore, went to this chocolate place with chocolate souffles, chocolate drinks and chocolate chips dipped in melted chocolate. Chocolate overload.

Then got a call from Daniel at night, apparently Joel and him had just come back to Singapore! Met with them for lunch on Sunday, as well as a bunch of other Cambridge people. And it's a small world! Hard to believe that Joel knows my housemate! (who is currently pestering me to comment here how hunky he is). So Joel came over for dinner, and we just talked till late.

And tomorrow is Monday. I remarked how as a working class denizen you feel a trepidation about Mondays, and an exhilaration on Fridays, and my housemate agreed. Also how you don't get any extended holidays like in school, and when you start work you'll be working till you retire. Scary. (will be glad for the 5 years of PhD then!!)

Also, I just finished reading Ringworld. It's the best science fiction book (with the possible exception of Dune) I've ever read! I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone with even a passing interest in science fiction!!! Man the book was written in 1977, and somehow all the sci-fi authors since have never reached that standard. Want to borrow thw sequel, but the only 3 libraries in Singapore which have them are at Ang Mo Kio, Woodlands and Marine Parade! T_T (these are like the furthest places away from my place in Commonwealth) Any friends there who go to the library often? =P


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