Saturday, September 17, 2005


Not like the results could have been anything else =P

Received a card from Kai Er! All the way from the UK! =) So sweet, she got my address off my least someone remembers me *sniff*....Thanks a lot, and hope you enjoy your final year in Cambridge!

Chea Lu came over from Brunei, transiting here on the way to the UK....I think I've been to the Esplanade/Boat Quay/Clarke Quay countless times now, since everytime a friend comes to SIngapore I bring them there....and with this apprently being Visit Singapore Season....ppl who've been down are Lawrence, Adrian, Tsing Ling, Lay Ping, Tse Jian, Chea Lu and soon to be in November, Young Lee!

Anyways I've got my first visitor to my place! Who as you can tell from the expression on her face in obviously in shock over the mess in the apartment. Boh pian, 3 guys living together.

Starting uni applications this weekened finally....=( have to write personal statements, 700-1000 words worth of shameless self-promotion....sighs feeling LOADS of inertia to starting.....

And got my 1st mini-assignment in the lab! spent 2-3 hours on the computer doing some bioinfo work (designing siRNAs to FGFR1,2,3). I finished just before my supervisor and I went to a presentation by this biotech company, where they introduced this website which had all the info we wanted (pre-designed siRNAs to half the human genes, tested and guaranteed!)....that's 2-3 hours of effort wasted....but not like I'd be doing anything more productive anyways haha....

*PS realised the photos don't show...dunno why...will try to post them again, maybe blogspot is not working today*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a comment!!!
I;m so ugly in that pic...aiyooo use photoshop la...!!!

9:37 am  
Blogger Kah Yong said...'s quite ok lah...natural look better than photoshopped version right? =P

4:37 am  

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