Wednesday, August 03, 2005

1st week of work

So I've had 3 days of work now....

Well actually not really....I've had no real lab work to today I went around the building looking for nice quiet places to sleep...found a nice lounge where no one goes to....cos my supervisor doesn't really have a project for me to do, so I'm just hanging around and watching him do stuff, but he says that he'll try to give me a mini-project next week....

Hmm my job as far as I can tell will be to characterise the best conditions under which certain cells can grow....which is prob one of the less interesting jobs, as it means I'll just be changing chemicals, temperatures under which the cells are growing to see which ones they like...=\ hopefully things become more interesting....

The space in my lab is worrying too.....cos my lab's got around 18ppl but only 12 workstations, and labspace-wise 3 students and I have to share 2 lab work areas...sighs there's no one space for my own to sit and do my own stuff, instead I have to go to the nearby pantry to read, and I don't even have my own computer.....if anything this in itself has dampened my 1 year work experience already.....

Ah well it's not even been a week, I think I'll try to keep an open mind and hope things take a turn for the better!

Work's tiring (even just walking around and trying to look as if you're busy reading papers)....and by the end of the day you just want to stay in and rest....went out for dinner with friends on Monday and Tuesday though, so today's the first day I'm just lying on my couch watching tv with my housemates, and it feels good =D

And Lawrence is coming to Singapore this weekend! But Matthew who was supposed to come too has decided to go to Japan instead, because cute Japanese chicks are more important to him than his friends, the lousy dirt'ee lil' bastard that he is....a warning to all japanese girls: keep away from this guy:


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