Friday, September 09, 2005


I just went for a HIV test.

It was because of something I did 3 years ago, and I never thought that the consequences would catch up so quickly.

Results are out next week.

Yeap to those friends of mine who know me for the pure innocent guy I am, it's a requirement for the application for Singapore permanent residentship.

To those who thought otherwise: Waaaah so that's the type of guy you think I am issit? Well I'm sure NO ONE thought otherwise anyways. But I've been going around telling my friends I had a HIV test, just to see what their reactions were. Most automatically assumed it was something to do with the job (bio lab what), or the PR application....but one I think was more shocked....didn't know what to say.......muahahahahaha......

Yup so I went down to the medical centre for the test, registered myself, and the receptionist starts giving me instructions about 'a certain blood test, like 'ok take this tube and when the nurse takes out blood for a certain blood test, she'll put in it the tube and bring it back to us', please pay for your certain blood test at the cashier'......i was wondering why he didn't just say 'HIV test', so I asked him...apparently some people don't like to hear the words HIV, so it was just an euphemism....hmm i guess probably they also wouldn't want the other patients to know that they're potentially infected.

Results out next week, and I can tell you now they're going to be NEGATIVE. Been good boy, not touched anything or anyone I wasn't supposed to.

In other news I might finally get my project next week! Granted it's more a mini project, more a side thing that complements my supervisor's work....for the bio-savvy ones it's using RNA interference to knockdown (or decrease the level of) FGFR2 in adult bone stem cells....hope all goes well! Been making lots of silly mistakes in the lab lately, supervisor has been punching me in the face and guts (mock punching though), better buck up....haha.....


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