Saturday, September 24, 2005


I was frustrated most of today...tried to get started on my personal statement, but couldn't really think of anyway to start....then tried playing this movie on my laptop, installing various media players which all didn't work, in the end I tried reformatting my computer, but I left the factory restore CD at home in Malaysia...feeling almost sick to the stomach...

Then a wind just blew....the harbinger of a thunderstorm, and it magically blows away my frustration instantly.....I've always loved thunderstorms and heavy rain, when sheltered in a building, especially home, where you can feel safe while observing the terrific energies being unleashed outside.....and right now as I write this sentence three forks of lightning have flashed and the rain has just started falling....=) It's a moment to be savoured....and just felt like writing about the rain.......

Ah well, will get started on my personal statement again tomorrow....hmm hmm various guides have been saying that you should find some way to make yourself stand out, write about what makes you special....can't think of anything right now, any advice?
Have to compare against a control randomly selecting another person's photo...

Maybe I'm not so special after all....=P


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