Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Met the PM!

I met Lee Hsien Long today!

Big event at Biopolis. The Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Long was scheduled to visit Biopolis, to tour the labs and meet some of the ppl here. Which included some scholars. Which included me!

Haha first thing we could think of: Good food! =P It was also my first ever time wearing formal office clothes to work....and everyone in the lab asked about it....since normal lab attire consists of T-shirts and sport shoes....bermudas too in the case of my supervisor...

And everyone in IMCB (my workplace) was talking about the visit, mainly cos the building was due to be sealed off while the PM is around....so from 4.30 till 6pm no one gets in or out, so the poor buggers can't go home early...haha.....and there were police all around....not the normal security guards we have, but actual policemen all over the place....

But we were arranged to meet the PM at one of the restaurants at Biopolis, and walking there at 4pm we...was it....yeap.....yeah it was....an airport-style metal detector! Security man!

The PM came around 5.30pm....he looked looked like a kindly old grandfather....albeit much taller......and much more powerful.....so everyone in the group, we being timid ASTAR scholars, as opposed to them PSC ppl, kinda formed a semicircle around him, like there was a forcefield surrounding him, and gave mild answers as a group whenever the PM asked us something....everyone taking care not to be too loud in case the PM's attention fell on you, kinda like a herd of harmless cows....he asked fairly general questions, about our attachments, our universities and our PhD plans.....

Then I noticed 2 or 3 well built, serious looking men hanging around us....then I saw the earpieces they were wearing, those you see in the movies when the USA president appears......Secret Service-type bodyguards! Sans the cool shades though....but true to the movies they never smiled, and their eyes were always shifting, looking out for potential threats (think that's why the USA Secret Service wear shades, to conceal the fact that they're looking at you, if you're a potential threat).....one of the scholars thought one of them was cute....hmm a thought, these ppl would take a SERIOUS interest in you if any in the group were to walk up to the PM......

Well we only chatted for a few mins, then the PM left.... haha then the topic of conversation amongst the scholars turned towards the food, or lack thereof....it sat on a table between us and the PM and assorted VIPs....and no one was willing to cross over to get it....but the waiters brought some over, and everytime a plate was laid on one on the tables all the scholars swarmed over....REALLY like a flock of pigoens, when you throw bread at them.....fried banana puff pastries, BBQ chicken nibblets on lemongrass sticks, fried mushroom with mashed potato (served on spoons?), and salmon on toast.....haha.....

Then the ASTAR chairman (Philip Yeo) came over! Right everyone back at attention....though it was a fairly casual conversation....and now apparently Juliana is on track to replace him as chairman someday =P

Oh on that topic she's just curled her hair...and I imagine she'd be pleased if everyone goes and takes a look and praises it....muahahahahaha.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad its 'THE' PM, not 'MY' PM - =P *poke poke*

3:16 am  

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