Sunday, October 30, 2005

Destination USA: San Francisco

I've arrived in the USA!! Safe and sound, probably to the disappointment of some of you, haha. Man it's feels gooooooooooood to wear a jacket in the cold autumn weather again!

Staying with Juliana's friend Ram in the graduate housing area; we've not actually seen the university....arrived on Sat night and on Sunday Jul and I went to San Francisco instead, which is a BEAUTIFUL city. Btw now I understand the concept of 'blocks', as in somewhere is 4 blocks straight and 2 blocks right...the cities here are built in a grid system, which makes navigation so much that to KL, or some of the old European cities, where people just added streets whenever they felt like it...

Cable engines, rather they're dragged by moving cables underground. We rode on one, which goes uphill, downhill, uphill, downhill STEEPLY....great fun!

Downhill to the bay!

San Francisco bay...lotsa sun and sea....sun is sooooooo nice when it's not hot...

Hundreds of sealions sunbathing on Fisherman's Wharf....apparently a recent phenomenon, after the 1989 earthquake here....lots of them barking, rolling, some fighting, but most just doing what we do best, slacking.....

San Francisco is hilly! Notice the steepness of the hill...we came down that slope on a cable car....

Jet lag then hit...both of us suddenly became zombified....

The Golden Gate bridge...notice zoned out look...fake smile...
Guidebook says that the bridge has enough wire holding it up to circle the equator 3 times.

Right today (Monday) we're supposed to go tour the university proper...but it's noon and Jul's still sleeping...ah well...oh and it's Halloween today, so we might hit the town and see what's up, as it's supposed to be the biggest party day of the USA...


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