Friday, July 29, 2005

My preciousess...

Got 3 important things today!

1) Employment pass. Now I can start work next week without fear of being deported! Got up at 7am to be one of the first in queue, only to be told that I lacked one form. Thus had to travel all the way back to my workplace, get one, and back to the Ministry of Manpower. Wasted time: 2 hours. =
2) Phone line! Finally connected to people. Feel very lost and isolated without a phone line.

3) My bed! Arrived a few minutes ago, it's a simple wooden one with a spring mattress. A bed's important to me, for crawling into when you want to escape from the stress of the outside world (I get sleepy when stressed). It's the one with the floral bedsheet (forced upon me by mum). The other bed next to mine belongs to a GUY; will ensure sufficient space between our beds.

Tried walking to workplace from home as well, an easy 25 mins walk. It's the heat that's bothering me; don't want to arrive at work everyday all hot and sweaty. Would walk for sure in the cool Cambridge air... will try it out for a day or two at first here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

really mah? and how much is sufficient space? ;D

11:19 am  

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