Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Reign of water

MAN! It's been raining every day for the past 2 weeks...and it shows no signs of letting down.

So this is what monsoons are like...raining for like most of if not the whole day, like in the UK, but with the pure intensity of a tropical storm....hmm it's really a dampener when you want to go out, and it's making my walks to and from work an experience....

On the plus side though, the temperature's really REALLY's 23 degrees celsius minimum in Singapore, which is REALLY REALLY low....these few days I've been sleeping without the fan on, which I've NEVER been able to do fact I actually took out my UK jacket (the brown one) to use as a duvet....brought that along for my USA trip, didn't think I'd ever need it roommate suggested hugging each other to conserve body warmth....I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO glad I've got my jacket with me....and maybe I'll move our beds apart just that little bit more....

In other news, Young Lee and Tiffany were in town last week! It's really Visit Singapore season (as I mentioned before)...haha good to see the two jokers again... Young Lee came from KL, as did Tiffany...she was visiting Malaysia with family, from the Philippines...

Visitor number 2 to my place! Standard position, cos I always balance the camera on our TV...Note the 3 little squares in the background on the wall....the shiny centres are mirrors...those are what we used for mirrors for 2 weeks before I went to get us a proper one....

Brought them to Marche and NYDC....hmm I seem to bring everyone who visits Singapore to these two places...cos I think the atmosphere in Marche and the desserts in NYDC are not found as frequently in other countries (i.e. Malaysia mostly)....anyone with suggestions on where else to bring people?

Anyways there's us in Marche....flanked by Tiffany and her seems like between the two of them, Tiffany got all the masculinity, and her sister all the feminineness (read: pink! pink!)....haha an interesting juxtaposition, for them to be sisters....

And before I forget...Happy belated new year to everyone!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah, young lee so much more photogenic than me. sigh.

11:45 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was me, LCL btw

11:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and harvard boy! =P

12:05 pm  
Blogger Kah Yong said...

hahahaha.....:P yeah i also dunno why....usually u photograph well...except when u got eyebags from studying....which is admittedly most of the time =P

12:33 pm  

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