Thursday, August 31, 2006

I'm HERE!!!!!!!!

I've just arrived in Cambridge, USA! Staying with a friend in MIT right now, will move into my dorm proper on Friday. Flight was long but comfortable, all my things arrived intact, and I'm not missing any limbs. It STILL hasn't hit me that I'm going to spend 5 years here, maybe that'll come with the first piece of coursework.

Update: 5.30am, 1st Sep 2006

Hmm jet lag's woke me up at 5am, but I guess it's not too bad considering I had 5 hours of sleep. I'm moving into Harvard tomorrow, and the huge mountain of admin-ish stuff looks daunting: register with international office, move into dorm, furnish dorm, open bank account, try to get a phone plan... and all this on top of meeting friends and getting to know new people...

Wow, I'm a fresher again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome to the Big H. Go Crimson!!

1:37 pm  

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