Monday, August 28, 2006

Citizen Ka(h)ne

I've just opened up a letter lying on my desk, which turned out to be approval of my application for Singapore citizenship.

Apparently I was supposed to renounce my Malaysian citizenship and then take the Oath of Loyalty on the 18th of August...but I only came back to Singapore a few days ago.

Have asked for deferment of all this, but still not looking forward to it...the whole process is going to take weeks, if I do it next year when I'm back for summer holidays. Basically it'll be:
1) Renounce Malaysian citizenship - 1 or 2 days? ; then
2) Take the Oath of Loyalty to Singapore, and apply for a Singapore passport - 1 to 2 weeks??; then
3) Apply for I-20 visa form from USA - dunno how long, ages?; then
4) Get form and apply for visa at USA embassy - 1 week.

I'm going to have like a month's disruption (or more!) in the middle of my studies, great. Anyways, I'm not going to be bothered about it now. Just spent the entire night packing; slept 2 hours, and sleep deprivation gets me first lethargic, then drunk(ish), so now I'm slightly stoned.

As I was telling someone, it hasn't really hit me yet that I'm going to Harvard... mentally I kinda feel like the rest of the week will be spent in Singapore as usual, with the slacking and normal routine... but in about 2 days' time the change will hit me ready or not...

This might be the last post till I settle in in my dorm room and get an internet connection, unles I manage to find internet terminals in the airports. So farewell! Goodbye to all my friends here, and I'll see you in a year's time!


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