Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Off again!

I'm 24!! Two turns of the chinese zodiac; it's now the year of the dog again. So old....but as Allan pointed out, haha 24 is the name of my fav TV show, so at least now I've something in common with Jack Bauer...remote as it may be....got an incredible CD from the lousy guys in Cambridge, with all their lousy faces on it...hahahaha thanks dudes!! The walk down St Andrew's to Christ's was magic....

And I'm flying off to Boston tomorrow morning! Actually I'm going to go to Changi airport tonight, and wait till 5am to check in...Hmm travel plans: Feb 8-11 Harvard interview, 12-14 MIT, 15-16 Johns Hopkins (in Baltimore), and flying back to Singapore on the 16th...That burns a full 8 days of my leave...T_T the pain, the pain....I think that leaves me with about 3 more days of leave till the end of my attachment in July....gonna be in Baltimore alone, apparently it has one of the highest crime rates in the USA...hmmm......

And I'm not properly packed yet...never been so unprepared for a trip, just started packing clothes yesterday....still have documents and papers to print, miscellaneous electronics and toiletries to pack...and I need to get some quality reading material, cos I'm flying United....wanted SIA but the uni wouldn't pay for it, cos SIA's double the price....

United's ok as well right? I mentioned I was flying United to my lab mates, and:
1) Sorrowful expression: Oh no! I HATE United!
2) Their seats very small!
3) The angmohs like to sit sideways and thus it's very squeezy
5) Service sucks.
6) As if all these not enough, apparently air stewardessess not pretty.


Update: I just realised that I'll be spending 26 hours in planes and at airports in transit (2 transits!!).... 26 hours with all the above .....URGH....


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