Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Big H!!

I'm going Boston for sure!!! =D haha now I just need to decide which uni to go to...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats!!!! :) so where are you going now??

Take care!


6:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe.. the big H... that's a silly nickname used by one of my college buddy to describe THAT university.

Kay Yong.. congrats!

I'm willing to bet that you'll take up the Harvard offer, over MIT. Wanna prove me wrong? heheheheheh

Harvard reeks of prestige and money.

MIT is just so cool, and I personally think that it's THE place to be for scientist and techies.

Have your pick! You're so spoilt for choice now, you lucky fellow!! ;)

Again congrats!

p/s: nah.. I don't blog nowadays.. couldn't be bothered. Actually, too lazy.. hehe

but yea, do keep your fellow Christ's and Cantab buddies posted on your current endeavours! Take care!

4:16 am  

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