Sunday, January 21, 2007


It's 2007!

First countdown in the USA. I was with the MIT people down at Boston Harbor to catch the fireworks. It was incredibly, unbelievably cold (both because of the general coldness, plus the ocean breeze) we decided to play tag to warm ourselves up. Seemed like a good idea until we realized that breathing hard only causes us to take in more freezing air into our lungs.

Bunch of Harvard and MIT students running around like chickens. Schoolyard days were the best.

Fireworks disappointing though; Guy Fawkes at Cambridge UK were way better.

Most of January was spent studying for exams and writing up papers for Fall term; last vestige of Fall term (stem cells finals) was on Wednesday, and we've been partying ever since. First off was 24, Jack Bauer is back! For once I get to catch the episodes AS they come out... yet another fringe benefit of coming to the USA =D

Celebrated the 2nd birthday of a coursemate... so obviously we needed another geeky birthday cake. Considering that she's a neurobiologist:

(for non-biologists: it's a neuron. Wiggly things to the right receive signals from other neurons. Long thing on the left sends it to other neurons, or to a muscle)

And -8 degrees Celcius. Only my second time ice-skating, and this time around we're doing it in below freezing weather at night. Got more stressed out than during my finals. As if the loss of balance wasn't enough, with my trenchcoat on everytime the wind blew it effectively became a sail.

I'm so pleased with my ninja mask that when I lost it I bought another one. Except that it doesn't protect my eyeballs. One day I'll start wearing my swim googles as well.

Or a bubble ala the ones guinea pigs and hamsters run around in.

It's is/going to be a great 2 weeks of break. Let February and Spring term never come.

And hold the winter too.


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