Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunset over Biopolis

From my place.

Been such a lazy Sunday...just want to melt into my couch...

10.30pm update:

Crazy indian guy (see is back! He was shouting today, after being absent since end January, and this time got more drama....

He was shouting on the ground floor this time, and apparently someone called the less than FIVE police cars and ELEVEN policemen came...they surrounded him and I think were trying to talk to him...and one suddenly made a grab for the guy, missed, and 2 of his colleagues tried, but the indian guy dodged, and for some reason they tried reasoning with him again...

Meanwhile quite a few ppl were out watching, and our neighbour, this elderly guy, tells us that he's actually talked to the fellow before...apparently the crazy guy's not crazy, sane but he gets drunk sometimes, and what's more he lives on the 15th floor of OUR block....recall that I live on the 16th floor...hmmmmmmm................

Anyways I think the policemen accompanied him back to his FIVE police cars?


Blogger leah said...

wow, SIX plainclothes cops to pounce on THREE witless hapless half-baked 'protesters'?
what can I say? the spf makes excellent use of its manpower.

10:36 am  

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