Monday, April 24, 2006

Photos from Trish's farewell drinking session

Haha photos from the Friday night event..basically one of the ppl in the lab, Trish, is leaving for the USA in May, for a 1.5 year attachment in Indiana, so the lab had a farewell for her....and when a bunch of Caucasians go out, the drinking promises to be crazy...

The head of the lab proposes a toast...note sangria in my hand...tastes like there's little or not alcohol, so I gulped 1.5 glasses down when my pulse starts racing and breathing becomes laboured...

The lab!

Left: Frozen margaritha. They ordered jugs and jugs of this.

Right: Sangria. Preferred this actually.

Toasting Trish, who's going to leave for the USA.

Alcohol makes everyone smiley.

So after the initial rounds of drinks and dinner, the lab decided it was time for a change in venue, to Rav in Boat Quay, which promised music and dancing. And beer!

You know you want a close-up.

And Tiger beer sucks.

Yes that's my supervisor, Chris. Canadian charm. So what's that I'm holding and concentrating on?

Tequila shots! Foul things that burn your throat. But at least I see how the salt and lemon thing goes along with the liquor; anything to get rid of the taste on your tongue.

Check out the mass of glasses on the table. I left at 10pm, tired and dazed...apparently the party ended at 3am. Went to meet Mingjenn to go home, who had eight glasses of champaigne from his company event...ok THAT beats me hands down =P

So yeah, I'm an alkie now.


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